Scouting the Field, Impacting the World.

Evidence-based methods and data analytics have dramatically transformed the landscape of player evaluations and scouting in professional sports. This transformation was sparked by the Oakland Athletics' innovative "Moneyball" approach, which leveraged statistical analysis to unearth undervalued players capable of making huge contributions to the team. Today, this data-driven approach is ubiquitous, adopted by top teams across various sports, shaping the way they scout, recruit, and strategize for success.

This painstaking process mirrors another arena that, at first glance, may seem worlds apart - the realm of philanthropy. At High Impact Athletes our scouts are not looking for athletes, but for world-class charities.

The Importance of Charity Evaluation

One of our trusted evaluators, Founders Pledge, recently shed light on how they conduct their scouting, or what they call ‘charity evaluation’. This process is a crucial step in their drive to make the largest possible contribution to making a better world. A world that is riddled with challenges - extreme poverty, preventable diseases, animal cruelty, and environmental issues, to name just a few. Yet they (and we) think there's hope. Philanthropic initiatives grounded in evidence have been playing a role in making a real difference, from reducing nuclear arsenals to slashing malaria rates in Africa by 40%, and even saving one billion lives.

Much like a well-equipped scouting toolbox can propel a sports team from a decent season to a championship title, the right evaluation tools in philanthropy can transform good intentions into life-saving actions. Just as coaches and scouts identify their team's needs and meticulously analyze players to fill those gaps, charity evaluators embark on processes known as 'cause and research prioritization'. These involve assessing a broad range of pressing problems and promising ideas, determining the significance of each, gauging the feasibility of potential solutions, and finally, discerning the tractability of whether philanthropic funding can indeed make a difference.

After the desktop research and literature reviews, Founders Pledge engages with experts to address any lingering questions or uncertainties. They chart the areas of consensus and contention and track back to the evidence to follow their reasoning. In the final step, they critically evaluate the evidence, posing essential questions to ascertain the significance, feasibility, and potential philanthropic impact.

In both scenarios, the ultimate goal is to figure out the expected value. In sports, what an athlete will bring to the table, in philanthropy how much good will our investment do for the world. We’re seeking to make informed, evidence-based decisions that will lead to the greatest possible impact. Whether it's signing a world-class athlete or making a significant difference in a cause area, the process of rigorous research, data analytics, expert consultation, and careful reasoning about the evidence is crucial to driving the change we want to see in the world.

Just as it takes 10,000 hours to master a sport, the same level of dedication and expertise is required to effectively evaluate charities. That's why High Impact Athletes are proud to partner with exceptional organizations like Founders Pledge, GiveWell, and The Life You Can Save. Going beyond 'good enough' by ensuring that our athletes are supporting the most impactful charities in the world - charities that truly change lives.

In the current landscape, evidence-based giving that makes a tangible difference is more the exception than the norm. At High Impact Athletes, we're committed to changing that narrative. We envision a world where effective giving is not just an exception, but the rule. A world where everyone who has the capacity to give, does so with maximum impact.

We take immense pride in connecting our world-class athletes with world-class charities, who are ready to make a real difference. Charities like Evidence Action who scale cost-effective and evidence-based programs that reduce the burdens of poverty, or the Against Malaria Foundation, which works tirelessly to distribute long-lasting insecticidal nets to protect people from malaria. These organizations, and many others we support, are not just doing good work - they're setting new standards for impact and effectiveness in their respective fields.

So join us, join our athletes and give with maximum impact. Because in the pursuit of a better world, we're all on the same team.

Our Charity Evaluators:

  1. Founders Pledge

  2. GiveWell

  3. The Life You Can Save


Rising to the triple challenge: climate change, air pollution, and energy poverty


Kate Strong - A Force Of Nature