Hugo inglis’s donations
In 2020 I donated 2% of my earnings to The Humane League and The Good Food Institute.
Tackling our legacy food system is one area that I believe will cascade a multiple of positive effects. The Good Food Institute is supporting, incubating and encouraging businesses to create meat alternatives that simply taste better. Bruce Friedrich (Founder of GFI) knows convincing individuals to eat less meat isn’t working, instead the meat that they are eating is what needs to change. They are educating, transforming industry, lobbying government and working with big players to provide more dinner plates that won’t carry environmental burden or risk of antibiotic resistant disease.
The Humane League is working towards ending farmed animal suffering. No-one really believes factory farming or commoditised meat is a good thing. I support their mission to end this abuse. HIA's environmental impact charities are a great way to have the most impact per dollar spent.