Naya Crittenden

From Northern California, Naya has been a professional volleyball player since 2017, having played collegiate volleyball at both the University of Oregon and the University of Illinois. She was awarded the Miss Spiker award in 2017 in the Italy A2 league, was the 2019 Swiss Top Scorer, and the 2020-2021 German Bundesliga Champion.
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From Northern California, Naya has been a professional volleyball player since 2017, having played collegiate volleyball at both the University of Oregon and the University of Illinois. She was awarded the Miss Spiker award in 2017 in the Italy A2 league, was the 2019 Swiss Top Scorer, and the 2020-2021 German Bundesliga Champion.
From Northern California, Naya has been a professional volleyball player since 2017, having played collegiate volleyball at both the University of Oregon and the University of Illinois. She was awarded the Miss Spiker award in 2017 in the Italy A2 league, was the 2019 Swiss Top Scorer, and the 2020-2021 German Bundesliga Champion.