You Don’t Have To Be An Athlete!

I have had some people reach out to me with this question: “I want to donate to High Impact Athletes’ charities but I’m not an athlete. Am I allowed?”
Answer: Yes, please!

All that matters is that the most cost-effective, evidence-based, impactful charities in the world get as much funding as possible so that they can change millions of lives.
It doesn’t matter if that funding comes from athletes or academics, just that it gets to where it can make the most impact.

High Impact Athletes focuses on athletes in the hope that not only will the athletes themselves pledge and donate, but that some percentage of their loyal followings will pledge and donate.
An athlete is just one person. If one person pledges to donate a percentage of their income it is a beautiful thing. But if one person pledges, and then also convinces 1,000 other people to pledge, a trickle becomes a river and the collective positive impact is immense.

This is my dream for High Impact Athletes - that the athletes themselves will just be the first breath of wind that ultimately creates a giant wave of effective giving.

Join us, and do good!


What We Achieved In One Month


Why Climate Change?